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Psychotherapy helps you to

Build healthy self-esteem

Build healthy self-esteem

Take care of yourself and your loved ones with our gift certificate

How does Mentoly work?

Complete a short survey

Share what led you to Mentoly and what criteria are important to you when choosing a psychotherapist, such as the specialist's age or gender, their therapeutic approach, or the meeting format

Find your therapist

Our algorithm selects the best match for you based on your criteria. Alternatively, you can browse our website to learn more about each psychologist's specialization and work experience

Schedule a session

Choose a place and time for your consultation by selecting your preferred specialist and session date through the online calendar provided on their personal page


Complete your booking by paying for your consultation. We will send you a confirmation of your appointment and the specialist's contact information, as well as a reminder the day before your session to ease any unnecessary stress

Personal account

Manage the process yourself in your personal account by choosing to reschedule or view your session history

At Mentoly, we select psychologists as we would for ourselves

Work experience

Education requirements

Theoretical knowledge is a prerequisite for our psychologists. They must have higher psychological education and additional training in a specialized field. We believe only qualified professionals should work with individuals on such sensitive topics as mental health

Work experience

Work experience requirements

Our specialists have a minimum of three years of experience in psychological counseling, personal therapy, and supervision. These key indicators demonstrate the effectiveness of a psychologist's work


Assesment of professional skills

We evaluate each specialist's level of competence and professional ethics through testing developed with the Department of Experimental and Applied Psychology of the Taras Shevchenko KNU


Assessment of professionalism and personal qualities

After testing, we conduct a final interview with each psychologist to assess their level of professionalism and personal qualities

What makes Mentoly a good choice ?

Simple & Convenient

You can choose a specialist's gender, age, and specialization, as well as the cost and format of the consultation.


We always support you at every stage and are available to help with any difficulties you may encounter. We help, assist and care


All information you provide on our website or discuss with your psychologist is kept private, and our payment system is secure


We save you time by making registration and appointment scheduling as easy as possible.

Simple & Convenient

You can choose a specialist's gender, age, and specialization, as well as the cost and format of the consultation.

Simple & Convenient

You can choose a specialist's gender, age, and specialization, as well as the cost and format of the consultation.


Marketing Manager

The journey with Mentoly exceeded my expectations. It is not only a platform for conversations, but also an outlet for a better version of yourself. Thank you for your incredible work and support!


Why is it better to choose therapist using an individual selection service, rather than visit your friend's therapist?

A therapist works individually with each client, completely immersing himself in his problem. Therefore, counselling experience always different – tit could be both positive and negative. Everyone has their own life situation, and the process of therapy is different for everyone. A specialist who has successfully assisted your friend may be incompetent in your question. It is better to choose a therapist based on a specific situation and your needs - this is an individual process.

Whether my sessions are confidential?

Yes, counselling sessions are confidential. Everything that you discuss during the session remains solely between you and your therapist.

Can I cancel or reschedule my session?

Yes. All operations are carried out in your personal account. There are two buttons 're-schedule' and 'cancel' next to your upcoming session, using them you can adjust the time of the session or cancel it. Please note that if you reschedule or cancel a session less than a day before its start, the paid funds will not be refunded.

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We are always happy to answer them and welcome any feedback you have about Mentoly. Your feedback helps us improve our services.