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Corporate therapy

Taking care of the employees' mental health makes their work more efficient and enhances overall business performance

Seminars, workshops, and trainings from Mentoly

Individual well-being programs

Mentoly offers individual well-being programs that can boost your employees' well-being and help you achieve your business goals and meet your team's needs.

30% theory, 70% practice

Our events are designed to be interactive and engaging, with a mix of theory and practice. Participants can ask questions, share their opinions, and even take part in quizzes or tests.

Useful materials

We provide useful materials that can help employees retain and apply what they've learned. Whether it's presentation materials, checklists, manuals, or home tasks, we'll make sure that your team has the resources they need to succeed.

Mentoly will help your employees overcome

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Communication difficulties

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Lack of motivation


We make it easy for your employees to find a psychologist they are comfortable with through a simple four-step process:

Employee fills out a form
Algorithm suggests suitable specialists
Employee chooses psychologist and session time
We send a reminder 24 hours before the session
Employee fills out a form
Algorithm suggests suitable specialists
Employee chooses psychologist and session time
We send a reminder 24 hours before the session

Why is corporate therapy with Mentoly easy?

Flexible pricing

We don't charge a fixed fee for each employee. Instead, you only pay for the actual therapy sessions used

Customizable terms and conditions

You can set your own terms and conditions, such as 100% compensation, periodic sessions covered by the company, or a fixed percentage from each session

Secure and confidential

We value the privacy of our clients. All information shared on our platform or during therapy sessions with our psychologists is kept strictly confidential

Protecting your HR brand

Corporate therapy is a well-established international practice, and offering it as a benefit to your employees can boost your brand reputation and attract potential employees.

Flexible pricing

We don't charge a fixed fee for each employee. Instead, you only pay for the actual therapy sessions used


Why should my company use Mentoly?

Taking care of the mental health of employees is no longer a benefit, but a must for companies. Employees are as loyal as possible to companies and leaders who help them develop and become better both professionally and personally. Personal problems of the employee will be reflected in his concentration, motivation and performance. Working with a psychologist on a regular basis will help your team members fix things that have been bothering them for a long time and, as a result, increase their productivity and overall sense of comfort in the workplace.

What compensation options are there?

You can compensate employees for the entire cost, some percentage of each session (50, 30, 25 or any other), a certain number of sessions (the first 3 sessions are compensated by the company).

Why is Mentoly better than a permanent psychologist in the office?

Employees' trust in online therapy is higher due to the higher level of confidentiality. There is no doubt that no information from the sessions is disclosed to the employer. No one knows which of the employees visits a psychologist (with a psychologist in the office, this is difficult to ensure).

Is everything said in the session confidential?

Yes. Everything said at the session is only between the employee and his psychologist. No outsider will be aware of what is being discussed during the session.

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