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Privacy Policy


This protection, processing, and privacy of personal data Policy (hereinafter – the “Policy”) includes conditions for processing and protection of personal data, which are executed according to the formulated purpose and grounds for such personal data processing.

The owner of the personal data is a person indicated in par. 1 of the General Provisions of the mentioned above Public Offer Agreement. 

This Policy together with the indicated above Public Offer Agreement (hereinafter – the “Public Offer Agreement”) is the basis for receiving the personal data of an Orderer for processing.

By providing own data to a Specialist in an electronic way, using the website, the Orderer agrees with the provisions that are included in this Policy and grants the voluntary and unconditional consent to process his or her personal data.

A Specialist respects the right of the subjects of personal data (Orderers) for inviolability and confidentiality of personal data and applies proper measures of safety, aimed at the prevention of unauthorized access, modification, or distribution of personal data of Orderers.

Personal data of Orderers are used only for the purposes directly defined by this Policy and those, which correspond to the provisions of the Public Offer Agreement.

Processing of personal data is undertaken in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On protection of personal data” and enabled legislative acts of Ukraine. This Policy grants Orderers the information about the purposes of the gathering of personal data, way of processing of personal data, conditions of access provision to personal data to third parties, and other information about the process of keeping and usage of personal data of Orderers. 


Personal data are gathered, kept, and processed for the following purposes:

  • provision by a Specialist services to Orderers according to the PUBLIC OFFER AGREEMENT, execution of deals through the Internet
  • orderer identification
  • provision of the required information to Orderers, provision of which is stipulated by the Public Offer Agreement and/or the Law of Ukraine “On protection of personal data” and/or other enabled legislative acts of Ukraine
  • implementing other fields of interrelations, which require the processing of personal data of Orderers according to the current legislation of Ukraine.


Personal data, which are gathered by a Specialist from an Orderer.

A Specialist gathers the Orderer’s personal data when Orderers use data from the mentioned website or information, which is given by a Specialist to Orderers based on the Public Offer Agreement and/or when an Orderer executes payments, and/or during mailing between a Specialist and an Orderer.

A Specialist can retrieve the following data from the Orderer (all pieces of them or only some pieces of them): 

  • Name, Surname, Patronymic
  • Gender
  • Date of birth of a natural person
  • Information on the matter of issue, about which an Orderer will have addressed to a Specialist, including the information about health state and other information
  • Contact data of an Orderer: phone number, email address, and other information that is required during interrelations of the parties according to the Public Offer Agreement.


Agreeing on the provision, processing, keeping, and using personal data

Having accepted the terms and provisions of the Public Offer Agreement, the Orderer:

  1. Indicates and verifies that the personal data about the Orderer are given to the Specialist voluntarily, thus, making a statement that such data are received by the Specialist lawfully, and their keeping and using are legal
  2. Indicates and verifies that the Specialist has the full right to process the personal data of the Orderer within the above-mentioned purpose of their processing
  3. Agrees that processing of the personal data of the Orderer by the Specialist is defined and justified by the necessity of the implementation of the Specialist their rights and obligations in accordance with the laws of Ukraine or with the corresponding Public agreement (Public Offer Agreement)
  4. Grants their permission to the Specialist to distribute the personal data of the Orderer to third parties when and if it is required according to the above-mentioned purposes or within legislative demands of Ukraine, and without the need to be informed by the Specialist about each time as such distribution is made.
  5. Approves the reception from the Specialist proper notice about the rights of the Orderer, purpose of gathering the personal data, and information, the provision of which is stipulated according to the Law of Ukraine “On protection of personal data”
  6. Grants the right to the Specialist to keep the personal data of the Orderer within the entire period of activity of the Specialist or until the moment when the Orderer would like to delete all the data about themselves or prohibit in written form to keep and distribute them if otherwise is not stipulated by the legislative requirements or the specifics of interrelations between the Orderer and Specialist.


Other provisions on the protection of the personal data

An Orderer has the right to know more information, which is kept by a Specialist, in person or in written form.

This protection, processing, and privacy of personal data Policy is an inseparable attachment to the Public Offer Agreement about the provision of consultative services by a psychotherapist dated MM.DD.2021 and it is valid during the entire period, which corresponds with the period of validity of the mentioned Agreement.